Monday, March 27, 2023

Golden Twigs - start and finish!

I started and finished Golden Twigs by Vetlanka last month and now I'm finally posting it here. This one drew me in with the metallic gold branches and pretty shades of blue-green.

A small start on February 19:

 It grew to here by February 24:

And then I finished it up the next day, Feburary 25:

This amount of progress in a short amount of time is pretty typical for me if I'm focused on one project and make stitching a priority over my other hobbies. I felt like I could NOT put this one down because of the beautiful colors and how much I wanted to stitch the golden outlines.

Speaking of the outlines, I originally did the branch at the bottom left in backstitch, but that left huge holes at all the entry/exit points in the fabric. I restitched with Holbein stitch (aka double running stitch) and that made a much smoother line. I'll have to remember that for some other fiddly backstitch that was driving me nuts. *hard look at Mushroom and Fern Mandala*


  1. What a pretty nature study, sometimes the simplest things are the most striking.

  2. A very lovely finish! Things like the gold outline are why it's always good to have different stitches in the knowledge bank to get the result you want!

  3. That's beautiful! Such a lovely simple design but so pleasing to the eye. I've been experimenting with Holbein vs backstitch for some of my blackwork designs.


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